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Here you will find the sequential version of APPHi-field
Update: July 02, 2018

Objective: APPHi is aimed to be the first pipeline in the data procesing of TAOS-II data. The output will provide the following data analysis pipelines with a reliable photometry and enhenced SNR.

APPHi code description Developed in C language, APPHi is a code made up of two principal programs APPHi\_field and APPHi\_star, devoted to get the photometry of astronomical data stored in FITS and HDF5 format, respectively. Both codes are built in accord with the flow charts presented in figure...

The APPHi output is one HDF5 file per star found in the field. It contains the image of the star in each frame, centroid positions, and lightcurves. The HDF Hierarchical Data Format is still not widely used in astronomy yet, it is an open format very suitable to deal with large collections of data. For example, a single HDF5 file can contain not only a data cube of two-dimensional images of a star, but also all the possible one-dimensional light curves extracted and all the meta data concerning to that object.

FILE_FITS: this structure loads into RAM memory the information relative to the reading of fits files. It consists of three elements: int dim, an integer that contains the dimension (in bytes) of the read file; long int naxes[3], a dynamic array which stores the length of the file in the $x$, $y$ and $z$ dimensions; type *data (where ``type'' means long int, int, float or double, as appropriate), a static array that stores all the information of the fits read file.

HDF5_DATA_type: this is an analog structure to \emph{FILE\_FITS} but for the case when the input is a \emph{HDF5} file.

MASTER_DATA: intended to temporarily store and reuse the obtained results from reduction process. This structure deals with two data Long int naxes[2], which gives the length of the dimensions x, y and float *data provides the resulting data.

STAR_BIN: specifically designed to store the data used in the processing of the field star in the code APPHi-field, contains the star positions $x,y$ (int *x, int *y); the number of identified stars; and the field information to process the identification of the stars (int *bin).

STAR_DATA: this is the main structure in the APPHi library, it stores the whole data that will be written to the output file namely: file name (char name[ ]), star position (int x, int y) and the length of the files (long int naxes[ ]); the light curves resulting from the aperture and the differential photometry (float *curve and float *diff, respectively); the curves from the Shift & Add processing and the signal to noise curve (float *SNR).

APPHi contains 40 functions, some of which have an obvious meaning and are usual in C programming while others (8) are to perform the data reduction, the star location in the field and the photometry.

APPHi has been tested under Centos and Ubuntu Linux distributios only, however, it must run in any other.


In order to compile each of the executable files (APPHI\_field and APPHi\_star), a makefile is included in the APPHi directory.

a) CFITSIO library: Check and download it here!!
b) HDF5 library: Check and download it here!!
c) APPHi Library: it is a compilation of functions in C and FORTRAN to run APPHi. This library contains five main structures.



Instructions for Building and running APPHi-field:


1.- Compile-script APPHi folder has a Compile-script, to run this script you must have installed the cfitsio and hdf5 library.

For compiling run:


The Compile-script generates the APPHi_field program and creates a copy in APPHi-field folder.

2.- Test-script. The Test-script creates four txt files (Bias.txt, Darks.txt, flats.txt and Wasp74b.txt), this files are used as an example for run the APPHi_field program.


3.- To run APPHi_field program: you need four txt files (Bias.txt, Darks.txt, flats.txt and field.txt). Each txt files must have the path of each fits file (see the examples files on the step 2). APPHi has several other parameters, please refer to HELP menu Below.

Bias, Darks, flats and field files are the list of each fits files. Umbrall is the parameter of light on the field (this value must be between 0 and 1). This parameter helps APPHi in the binarization to find the stars. The higher the umbrall, the fewer stars we will find. The default value for this umbrall is 0.25. The last parameter is the number of points to generate the SNR curve and corresponding light curves. In the following example is 100, please note that the curve will be created in steps of 10 images. Alternatively, if APPHi detects an EMPTY file in any of the calibration (*.txt) it will still do the processing with a Warning!

You can run the example for APPHi_field program on the APPHI-field folder with:

./APPHi_field Bias.txt Darks.txt flats.txt Wasp74b.txt 0.25 100

4. For help menu please type ./APPHi_field --h ; it will display the following:

Usage: APPHi_field [OPTION...]

APPHi_field -- Automated Photometry Pipeline for High Cadence and Large Volume

Data -

-b, --biaslist=STRING File list that include the Bias Files

-d, --darklist=STRING File list that include the Dark Files

-f, --flatlist=STRING File list that include the Flat Files

-n, --npixels=INTEGER Number of pixel to calculate de ligth curve

-s, --sciencelist=STRING File list that include the Scientfic Data

-u, --umbral=FLOAT Binarization Umbral to detect stars (0.0 to 1.0)

-?, --help Give this help list

--usage Give a short usage message

-V, --version Print program version

Mandatory or optional arguments to long options are also mandatory or optional for any corresponding short options. A pipeline for TAOSII Project http://taos2.astrosen.unam.mx

Report bugs to: taos2_apphi@astrosen.unam.mx

Download APPHi-field:

a) Full, include test images (16 MB): Download with test images
b) NEW!! Windows Version: 4WINDOWS

Download AFUST:

a) Asteroid finder using synthetic tracking. Software to development image stack to simulate the trajectory of moving objects: Download AFUST

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